Identity Shifter VIP Day
Self-Image Upgrade, Consciousness Uplevel and Implementation Strategy
Service Description
The world is full of possibilities—but you’ll only experience the ones you believe you deserve. Here’s the truth most people overlook: nothing truly changes in your business, creativity, or life until you change. Your current self-concept-- the idea you hold of who you are, is defining the limits of what you can create. Free your creative energy from where you are spellbound by your past. Clear your outdated beliefs, your misperceptions and false ideas about what you're allowed to be, do or have. Don’t let outdated beliefs limit your creativity or vision. If you’re ready to embody the bold, successful visionary you’re meant to be, the shift starts now. Rewrite your self-concept, redefine your reality, and watch as your creative potential takes flight. After this day of release and renewal, you become more disciplined in engaging your Creator Consciousness as your only consciousness responsible for shifting your identity and changing your experience of reality. You see that everything is created by you and is FOR YOUR benefit and your expansion. You will come away from this session feeling clarity, feeling at ONE with higher consciousness and no longer at war with yourself or your surroundings. Together, we lay out the foundation of what your new life looks like and how to plug into this reality now with a strategy that is practical and workable for you and is specific to your unique version of success. If you are willing to lay down your old beliefs, ideas and thoughts about reality and completely let go of any victim consciousness, then this session will change the way you view yourself and the world forever. ~ Learn to own, without fear, your own personal style-- you being YOURSELF without compromising your integrity and ingenuity. Anything less blocks your genius from collaborating with Unity Consciousness in purity. Surrender to this and everything unlocks. ~ Re-foundation yourself and feel natural in following your True North that guides you directly to everything that is meant to support and expand you. ~ Say goodbye to your current income plateau. *All applicants are required to complete the Client Application before being approved for this session. Go to the 'About Kathryn' dropdown menu and click on Client Application to apply now.
Cancellation Policy
Please read entire term policies and Terms of Service and accept conditions of disclaimers here: https://www.kathrynmussell.com/sitetermsanddisclaimers Then, kindly fill out Client Application HERE: https://www.kathrynmussell.com/clientapplication
Contact Details
+ 415-264-2729
Fraser St, Bellingham, WA 98229, USA