Medical and Psychiatric Contraindications to Participating In Breath Work
Soul-streaming breathwork results in certain specific physiological changes in the body and also can result in intense physical and emotional release. Therefore, for safety purposes, in most circumstances I do not allow persons with the following conditions to participate in a breathwork session:
Medical Contraindications
Asthma (please have your inhaler available during your breathwork session if you choose to participate)
Cardiovascular disease and/or irregularities including prior heart attack
Detached Retina
High Blood Pressure that is not controlled with medication
History of strokes or seizures
Prescription blood thinning/anti-clotting medications such as Coumadin
Psychiatric Contraindications
Bipolar disorder or schizophrenia (Prior diagnosis by a health professional)
Hospitalization for any psychiatric condition or emotional crisis in past 10 years such as an attempted suicide or nervous breakdown (Contact Kathryn for more details)
Any other medical, psychiatric or physical conditions which would impair or affect ability to engage in activities involving intense physical and/or emotional release.
**If you have any other questions about whether soul-streaming breathwork is safe and suitable for you, please reach out to Kathryn personally at contact@kathrynmussell.com.